Hello from The Elizabeth House! Last year's banquet was a success and we were so very happy to be able to hold our event in person and meet our supporters! As you know the supreme court voted to reverse Roe v Wade in June. Praise God our prayers have been answered! What does this mean for The Elizabeth House? We need to expand our services to accommodate the increase in women who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy. We need a second home! With the help of the Lord and amazing supporters like you, we hope to be able to accomplish this endeavor and exceed our expectations of raising money to continue providing a safe stable home(s), classes, and care for the women and their children who come to the Elizabeth House. We need your continued support to be successful in our mission!
The Elizabeth House will hold its annual banquet at The Icehouse on Main on September 15th from 6:30-9:00! Doors open at 6:00! We are excited to welcome award winning author Melanie Shankle as this year’s banquet keynote speaker!
My name is Melanie and, in some strange twist of fate, I’m also known as Big Mama because I started this blog in July of 2006 when my daughter, Caroline, was not quite three years old and I was in the process of convincing her that BIG girls use the potty and BIG girls don’t have pacifiers, thus she thought BIG was the highest compliment in the land and began referring to me as BIG MAMA. Read More
Platinum Sponsor:
- Willie and Kristy Larkin
- 40 Days for Life
- Steve and Teresa Colson
Gold Sponsor:
- Jack Hilliard Distributing
- The Posvar Family
- In Honor of St. Francis of Assisi
- Sean and Toni Eubanks
Silver Sponsor:
- Cole Campbell State Farm
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rosary Guild
- Knights of Columbus Council 3205
Bronze Sponsor:
- Dusty’s Plumbing LLC and Lice Clinics of America
- Randi & Averyt Knapp
- St. Joseph Catholic Church
Registration has closed for the banquet. We look forward to seeing you next year! In the meantime, please donate or volunteer to help the Elizabeth House grow!